
The Foundation is an entity independent of Blackheath Golf Club Limited that has been created to assist in securing the Club’s future.

Aims & Purpose

The Foundation’s initial function was to build a capital sum preserved at all times to provide income for the aims and objectives of the Golf Club. Those objects include maintenance and development of the golf course and the golf clubhouse. The capital sum is accumulated by donations from members and friends of the Golf and Community Club.

Since the Foundation’s launch, the Australian Sports Foundation has allowed tax deductable donations for specific golf club projects approved by them. In recent times there have been a House Improvement Fund and Course Improvement Fund (now amalgamated into the Development Fund) and more recently a Flood Relief Fund taking advantage of this relaxation. Details of our funds are listed below.

Strictly Voluntary

All donations to support the Foundation are strictly voluntary.

Tax Deductibility

Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible if made by payment through the Australian Sports Foundation and may be made by instalments over five years.

Membership of the Foundation

Consider becoming a member of the Foundation to help secure the future of the Club.

To become a Foundation member, you first need to download, complete and return the Club Foundation Donation Form.

Donations can be directed to the following operating funds:

  • Capital Fund : Donations are retained in the fund and only interest earned on donations can be spent on course and clubhouse projects
  • Development Fund: Donations will be applied in full to course and clubhouse improvement projects.
  • Flood Relief Fund: As a result of Covid and multiple adverse weather periods, the Club has suffered substantial revenue losses in both the clubhouse and golf course and water damage to the golf course. Donations will be used to assist in meeting operational costs and rectification of course damage.


Bequest by Will

You might also consider a bequest to the Foundation by Will, for which free advice is available.

More Information

For more information contact the Foundation Secretary Ian Foulsham on 0414 974 358.


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